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100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


12:28 p.m.
Swooning and the Weekend Update

It took me nigh on two hours total, but I finally downloaded the entire Fellowship of the Rings trailer. I AM GIDDY ONCE MORE!! I hadn't been able to watch the whole thing with my full attention when it was on tv, because I was play-by-playing it to Sarah and squealing at the Aragorn moments and yelling at Xena-Arwen at the same time (die), so this was a great way to pretty much end my weekend. ::dances:: There's a great quote from it that will be at the end of this entry. Huzzah!

This weekend was okay. A lot of sitting and complaining, mostly. But I had good reason. I didn't go to Dan's show last night--and I feel bad, but I just couldn't deal with it then--but then went to the Paragon with Kevin, Lauren, Sydney, Erin, and Kevin LeCompte, and it was okay. I still am not ready to go and do all this hanging out stuff right now. I think Kevin is still a little pissy with me, but not really. He said he'd call last night after we both left Lauren's, but he never did. Oh, well. The upside was that LeCompte paid for our meal. Yay Kevin! Thank you and we love you! Granted, I only got two glasses of Coke, but...thank you, Kevin!

I woke up at 8:50 this morning, and I had to be at mass by 9:00. I luckily got dressed in record time, and was there with two minutes to spare. What really sucked was that it was London foggy out, even with the sun, and I couldn't see shit, which made driving like a maniac so that I wasn't late fun. I got my new cantor's schedule, and I'm on once in October, twice in November, and twice in December. I WANT TO SING AT CHRISTMAS!!! But we'll see. My next mass rocks music wise, and we have a practice this Wednesday, which I'll have to leave early for to be in time for the full run for Sound of Music. It's not going to be a full run, most likely, but I said I'd be there, so...yeah. I'm going to tell Kevin I'm going to be fifteen mintues late again, just so that if there's anything I need to run for church, I can run it. I'm not in the mood for Kevin these days anyway.

I have until 5:30 to fuck around, and then I get to go for a three mile walk to the train station to catch a train to Northwestern for a chamber concert I have to attend for my music class. Sarah never called me to tell me whether or not she was going to join me. I best be checking up on that...

Quote of the Day: "You have my sword." --Aragorn "And my bow." --Legolas "And my axe." --Gimli, "Fellowship of the Ring" (Aragorn and Legolas' voices are SO SEXY! Alex is going to die when she hears the elven one's, and I'm already swooning over my Ranger's! :o)

take you in :: spit you out