
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


2:47 p.m.

::wails:: KATE LEFT ME!!!

Today is the day. Kate has left for ISU. I probably looked to her like I was taking it well, but it's like a delayed reaction. It's, like, eating me up inside, and I have no way to show it outside. I've barely cried (I did get teary as we drove away and Kate turned away, and Sarah and I Timon and Pumbaa cried as we drove down Kate's block, but no real crying yet, surprisingly), but I can feel it coming. As long as I don't listen to "Logan, Alex, and Abby", I'll probably delay on the crying. But it still hurts. Kate is one of my best friends. She has stuck by me through everything, and has always done more than necessary to make sure I'm all right and so on. I'm going to miss everything about her. But I know she'll be fine at ISU. She'll find an environment where people are as passionate about her art as she it, and she'll find a place to flourish and grow, especially being away from her family and all. But damn it, she's been gone for three hours and I'm sad and miss her. Damn it, damn it. ::stomps around:: Okay, I'll be fine. Kate, know that when you read this, I'll still be missing you, but if you call, I will answer. :o)

Tonight is the Sound of Music meeting. ::Ominous music plays:: I still don't have a rehearsal pianist. I don't know where to find one. All the people I could ask either have gone to college, or can't come out all those nights. I don't know what the hell to do. Blargh!

I am tired. Gee, I wonder why. It's not because I only got about four hours of sleep, and I haven't even finished the bottle of Wild Cherry Pepsi I bought at 12:30 this afternoon with Sarah. Blargh again. I don't know.

Kate's leaving reminds me that I technically have to be leaving soon. Next weekend, I'll probably move my stuff up to Hans's, and I'll officially be moved in on September second. ::sighs:: Everything's happening at once! And Jim leaves in a week and a half, again! How dare you leave me again, skank! ::Stomps around some more, swearing:: Okay, done.

Boy, my temper's sure getting the better of me, isn't it?

Quote for the Day: "I give up, let's just kill Arwen." --me, followed by raucous laughter by me and Sarah

take you in :: spit you out