
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


9:32 a.m.

It's slowly approaching, and I can't deny it anymore. I can't stop thinking about it, or even dreaming about it, and to put it quite frankly, it's starting to drive me mad. It won't end until September. I don't know how I'm going to handle it.


My orientation was this past Monday and Tuesday, and I will admit, I had a ton of fun. We divided into small groups for most of the time, and it was like a less in-depth Kairos small group (speaking of which, DePaul does their own little first-year student Kairos-type retreat! I am so there!). Everyone got along, and everyone was open and fun. I have four E-mail addresses from the four other girls in my group, as well as the group leader/mentor, so I think my year's off to a decent enough start. I learned a lot of stuff I'll really need, and I know what and when my classes are, and it's nothing I can't handle (except maybe the math, but it's the lowest math course they offer, so...who knows?), so I'm happy. Now I just have to move up north, and I'm set. I really need to get that mass e-mail out, and tell Carso when I'm leaving. I love that I have to cantor the day before I start school.

Everything's not fun and games, though. I got an e-mail from Kate saying when the end-of-summer get together is, and I have six days to finish the story. Six days, four sections--which includes the battle scene, which I predict will be long--and then over to Kinko's for copies. Can I do it? Of course I can. I just have to get most if not all of it done before Saturday, where I will be at Mary Ann Hurley's graduation party most of the day (anyone who wants to join me is more than welcome). ::breathes heavily:: I can do this...I can do this...

This heat is unbearable. I am so finding a way to stay someplace air conditioned tonight that's not my Nana's. Either that, or steal the air conditioner out of my brother's room...hmm...a chance to be somewhat devious and sneaky...

::Mission Impossible theme music plays as Abby runs spy-esquely around the house, plotting her next move::

Quote for the day: "Beware the Groove..." --the dude who threw off the Emperor's groove in The Emperor's New Groove

take you in :: spit you out