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9:26 p.m.
A Smidge of Nostalgia

My memory is slipping. I was told not yesterday how to get through these caves in Utica, IL, but I still got lost. It annoys me even more because I used to go there every year, and I still got lost. Grr. But it was fun overall, and the temperature in there was, like, 40 degrees. ::dances giddily::

It's so pretty out there. I had almost forgotten. The only downside was this little islet/island thing that I used to sit at and watch this lake is all overgrown with weeds and vegetation and things, and probably sinking into the lake itself, but I could still see everything else. I can't wait for the next time my dad goes out, 'cause this time I'll go with him. It'll be a day of nostalgia, let me tell you. We'll actually find the stupid cave we used to always go to, and I'll go wading in the creek--if I bring a change of clothes, that is--and we'll cook hot dogs and hamburgers, and my dad and brother will write their names on the wall with burnt sticks, and we'll ultimately have to stop at a gas station, because I can't go to the bathroom outdoors. I'm not an outdoorsy person by nature, but this is one link to my past that I love.

I just went to Baskin Robbins with Jim and got a Mocha Blast--I will be high within minutes. It's not making my headache go away, but it doesn't matter. As soon as I get home, it will be tylenol by the handful...if I was that intent on death, which I'm not. Things have picked up lately, which is good, because within about a week, I'm going to be sad again. Everyone will be leaving again! ::sniffles:: Onto to happier things.

Borders has the Seeress of Kell and A Monstrous Regiment of Women, and I bought neither. I could kick myself for not getting Seeress, but the other one is okay to leave behind. I don't want to read about stupid whatever her name is marrying Sherlock Holmes. You don't marry Sherlock Holmes! It just isn't done! Blah!

I have to see Planet of the Apes--there's a Lord of the Rings trailer in that!!!! Maybe Sarah will go with me this week. I know she wanted to see it. She probably already did; she always sees movies before I do. Oh, well. I can only hope.

My mommy is gone for a week! Let us rejoice! I have complete (well, almost complete) control of the house and all it holds! Party at Abby's!

Now off to pay attention to Jim before he starts whining, and then home to soak my aching legs. Note for future reference--stretch before hiking.

Quote for the day: "Never love the dead more than the living." --Tessia, Dune: House Harkonnen

take you in :: spit you out