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rings a-m
rings n-z


8:41 a.m.
Some Evil

How the hell did it get to be August already? Even though I spent most of it sitting on my ass and being bored and lazy (and subsequently getting yelled at), it has gone by a hell of a lot faster than I could have ever imagined. ::frets:: I don't want it to end! I don't want to go to school! I don't want Kate and Jenny and Hurls and everyone else sans, like, Sarah and Julie Siegel, to leave me! ::jumps up and down anxiously:: Nooooo!

Okay, enough silliness.

Usually, I try not to get too "philosophical" in this thing, in case it isn't obvious. But I came to a realization last night at the cast meeting for A Doll House (actually, I've come to this realization before, but I don't think I ever addressed it), and I want to get it down.

The word evil is used far too frequently for my liking nowadays. Time was when evil was only used either in religious connotations, or to describe something truly awful that has no presence of good in it. Now, however, a song that one doesn't like can be evil, a food that doesn't agree with one's taste buds can be evil, and even a person can be called evil for the smallest of things. One could call me evil for a number of reasons, but is there really an absence of good in me? Sure, I do some bad stuff--just like every character in Ibsen's play--but does that truly make them evil, like our dramaturge described them? I'm sure she used the word familiarly, because of the frequency of the use of the word as of late, but if you really think about it, evil is a bit too harsh for certain things, like music and food and other such nonsense. I use the word often, as well, but it only now is truly coming to my attention what I'm actually saying. That's something I'd like to fix, like my tendency to over-swear, if that can be turned into a word. I don't know.

I wish wasn't down. It might be down until August 9! That is going to be a form of torture that I'm going to try to avoid thinking about. But hey, it'll give me ample time to finish the two fics I plan to post, and the one that needs to be finished in...oh, figs, something like fourteen days! Crap, crap crap!! ::runs off to start writing like a madwoman::

Quote for the day: "Dishonour on you, dishonour on your family, and dishonour on your cow!" --Mushu, from the Disney movie Mulan

take you in :: spit you out