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rings a-m
rings n-z


7:13 p.m.
Keen Weekend Update

I'll more than likely adjust this later, but I feel the need to do this rather than my English paper. Sure, the paper is essentially due today, but Alisia made the mistake of saying that she doesn't dock points if papers are in late--she just grades your paper last. Wrong move, Alisia. If she hadn't said that, the paper would be done, and I'd be typing it right now. Instead, I have about four or five pages of seven or eight done, and I'm not doing any more until I get to work. Go me, whoo.

This was actually a very cool weekend. I went out with Lowell on Friday, and watched some mondo fucking awesome people play DDR. Lowell is definitely included among those fucking awesome people, because damn, can he dance on that thang. I tried once, and sucked pretty large, despite what he said, but it was still fun. fun that I went to Hollywood Park Saturday night and played on the two practically vacant machines there for two hours...

...and at the one at Aladdin's Castle in Ridge Mall for about an hour...

*hangs her head in shame*

I still suck, but not as badly as I did Friday night. Fred's going to kick my ass, needless to say. Any bets going down? Put 'em on Fred.

But anyway, the rest of Friday was nice. I introduced Lowell to Bond, and that was amusing. I guess I might be drafted into working on their webcomic (Lowell, Fred, and a few others) in the capacity as the straight woman, making sure these crazy gents don't go overboard. We'll see what happens with that. But all in all, it was one of the most fun nights I've had in a while.

Saturday morning was beautiful. Gabriel called around seven, and we talked until eleven, and had much, much fun. Believe me, even though the seven hours of work Saturday were certainly unfun, just thinking about the phone call made me feel a bit better. I guess Jennifer still makes me a bit uncomfortable. She's a good chick and all, but I'm so intimidated by her sometimes...oh, well. Must learn to get over it. I'm still nervous about Wednesday, but I think I have a reason, ne? After work was DDR, then Bebop, then a little reading for History, then sleep.

Sunday was a very slow and casual day. I had mass and fucked up royal once, but it wasn't a big deal to everyone else. I got complimented, which was nice. Yay! :D Then, I came home, talked on the phone with Gabriel again (thank you, mi vida), and did some more reading. I dozed for about an hour, then went to run my errands. I changed my change, copied my passport photo (I'm applying for it today), and deposited my Subway check. And wonder of wonders, my raise came through on this check! I might be able to get Christmas presents for more than my immediate family and still have money left over for Sweden! *dances* But anyway, while waiting for my photo to copy (I had to wait an hour), I went to Ridge and did my DDRing. I'll say this about that--the people who play there are assholes, sans this one dude, and he unfortunately left. *shrugs* But then I got my picture, came home, did my homework, screwed around, and went to bed around eleven.

And that's that. Yay. *dances madly*

Quote for the Day: "I've been eating three things--fish, vegetables, and crap I don't like." --Lowell

take you in :: spit you out