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100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


12:20 p.m.
ACen '04 -- Days 1 and 2

ACen is done, the visits are ending early, and I'm attempting to get back on track with things. I don't know quite how I feel about everything, because I don't know everything about everything, but there were both good and bad aspects about the whole ACen experience. So I'm just going to dive right into the recap of Thursday, and possibly Friday, if I think it'll work.


After my classes, Carl, Tiffy, and I drove up to the Hyatt to meet up with various people, both A4 and non-A4. That in and of itself was slightly frustrating, because no one showed up when they said they would, and no one stuck around long enough for us to work things out. I had hoped we'd all go to prereg together, but that definitely didn't pan out. First, Carl and Lowell went to check on how my prereg would work (as I was using Lowell's prereg since he couldn't go), and ended up getting in line for prereg instead. Tiffy, Kyuu, and Goji went next, but Tiffy ran back 'cause she couldn't find her cell phone, but then didn't get back in line. She stuck around with me while we waited for Brandon, Aya, and the other A4ers, who immediately ran off for places unknown. By the time Lowell and Carl got back, Alex, Sue, Jamie, and Griz were there, so they went with Tiffy to prereg while I found Marilyn, who showed up a bit later. She ended up waiting to do her prereg early Friday morning, which she wouldn't have had to if I hadn't have been a moo. ><

We sat around for a while, and there was some stress there, but most of it was taken care of. We basically spent a lot of time, listening to Jer try to play game and anime music on various pianos, and then get told by a bastard of a security guard that he couldn't play. We were mad 'cause he was good. >:| More on that later, though.

We went back to Evanston that night, just sorta crashed out, and prepared to leave relatively early the next morning.


We ended up not getting to the con until after 11 AM because of the loss of Tiffy's wallet, which sucked majorly. We searched the house, and called the hotel three times, but it wasn't anywhere to be found. She's getting her account changed, which is good, and hopefully, no one tried to cash Evan's check. ><

On the bad news note, Ed locked his keys in his car, and spent more than an hour waiting for it to get fixed. However, Carl, Lowell, CP, and I put in money for his door-opening fee, so he was only out ten dollars instead of fifty, so that worked out okay in the end, too. After that, all he had to worry about were his malfunctioning brakes. ^^;;

We all pretty much branched off for the majority of the day. Lowell and I spent about two hours in the vendors area, waiting for our custom Robert DeJesus badges. I'm going to ask Lowell to take a picture of them, so we can post them, 'cause they're really really cute. ^^ After that, we headed back to the lobby area where we had waited for people on Thursday, and watched Jer and Andrew petition for a piano. After the fiasco the day before, security had removed both pianos that Jer had tried to play on, and he was pissed to no end. They managed to fill seven pieces of paper with signatures. o.o And I forgot to mention Jer's burly fanboys on Thursday night. ^^; They were fun, and he got more fanboys as the weekend went on.

My first panel was the Legend of Zelda fan panel. The two guys running the panel knew their stuff and weren't stuck up about it, but the people attending the panel were, and it got very irritating very quickly. However, about midway through the panel, Tiffy texted me to say that she had to go home early, because of her baby cousin having to go into the hospital. Since she had no money that day, I spent some getting her a few things, since you can't leave ACen after having not bought anything, but it wasn't a lot, since I'm poor and all. After talking for a bit with some other anime club officers, Tiffy and I went to Hans' to get our stuff, then went to Dad's to crash out, since her parents would be picking her up the next morning. We ate pizza, watched Azumanga Daioh, and just crashed.

Apparently, the rest of the night at the con was good, too. Ed and Carl floated around the viewing rooms, and those two and Kyuu spent the night with Aya, which they said was okay. Lowell went home not long after I did, since he was only staying at the con for one day. He had been wearing Kyuu's badge to go around the con with on Friday, since Kyuu had to be at work.

And that was that, I guess. Two very chaotic and frantic days, but two days nonetheless. I thank everyone for their help those two days.

More to come tomorrow.

Quote for the Day: "Kyuu gains a level -- learned 'hugging'." --Kyuu (will be explained in a later update)

take you in :: spit you out