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rings a-m
rings n-z


10:06 a.m.
Extended Spring Break Entry

Spring break is over, and Spring Quarter starts today. The "schedule" page will be updated with my new spring classes and work hours, and things of that nature, for anyone who cares.

So for those interested, here's the breakdown of spring break:

Monday: I went up to Evanston with Lowell, and we installed the scanner that he's had sitting in the basement since 2001. >< We also rewired his computer area, essentially, so that all the plugs went to one place, but it worked out pretty well. ^^ It was a fun sort of day, 'cause we basically did that and played FFVII again, and I'm in love...again. *dances* Hans also bought us pizza for doing that, which was great. Sugoi end to the day.

Tuesday: After waking up leisurely and playing FFX-2 a bit more, I went to Sarah's for our gaming day. There were glasses fiascos to the point where I had to do my trip to Midway where Sarah was picking me up blind, and then had to tape my glasses so they'd stay together. Stupid lost screw. >< But overall, it was muchly fun. We played Mario Party 4 for a while, then I showed off FFX-2 and ended up facing a boss for about an hour. An hour of straight, monotonous battle, because it was a stupid hard boss. Poor Sarah. *sighs* After yakking and another round of Mario Party, she took me home, where I pretty much crashed. We also had Dr. Pepper cake, which was scrumptious, and shepherd's pie, which I took home with me and ate for dinner the next day. ^^

Wednesday: Lowell came by my house on Wednesday, and we went downtown so he could get a schedule thing for his dad's insurance company, and so we could both get our glasses fixed (his were bent, mine needed a screw replaced). We went back to the house and played FFVII for the remainder of the day, which was incredibly fun again. I just wish the next time we were going to play wasn't June. That was a really relaxing and warm feeling kind of day, and I'm going to miss them.

Thursday: The JMAC Mitsuwa trip! It was great to see the JMAC crowd again, even though it had only been like a week and a half or so. We caravaned there, and I spent most of my time and change on DDR and Para Para. I passed R3 on Heavy with a B, and Love Love Shine on Heavy with an A, and did mostly six foot songs besides that, so I was rather proud of myself. I perused the bookstore and found no music I wanted, but did see several posters from FFX-2 that I wanted, but could not afford. The one of Baralai, Nooj, and Gippal better be there when we go for ACen. *shakes fist*

I also talked with my aunt Trish that day, since it was her birthday (60th, I believe), and that was a little bit of a downer. She still hasn't found a job, and is depressed because of that. Also, her arthritis has been acting up majorly, and the doctor found out that she was horribly anemic, which is a sign of several cancers. Luckily, her anemia is more likely an effect of medication, so she changed meds recently. I'm just worried, 'cause there's not much I can do for her but pray, since I have no money to go visit. *sighs* Accursed no money-ness.

Friday: Lazy ass day. I'm in charge of Lowell's consoles for the next three months, so he doesn't play games instead of studying, so I hooked up the GameCube and played Animal Crossing for a bit, mostly to get rid of the weeds in town. Then, I switched back to PS2 and leveled my characters some more in FFX-2. I'm at the last bit of the game, and could beat it today if I wanted to, but that'll wait until the weekend, unless I get hit by heinous readings. I didn't go anywhere or do anything, really...OH I watched Kare Kano, too, and I love that series. *identifies with Miyazawa in weird ways (Miyazawa Yukino is the female antagonist of the series)* I only have one more episode of that to watch, which I'll probably do Friday. Friday was kind of a sad day, too, but that's my own fault. Kate called and we griped for a bit, then made plans to go apartment looking for her the next day.

Saturday: Kate picked me up around 12:30 or so, and we went to tour the apartment she might be subletting for the summer. The guy was really nice, and the rent was great for the size of the place, but it wasn't exactly picturesque (and that's putting it mildly). Then, we got roped into searching a few places Kate's aunt and uncle owned and rented out, and then searched the Reader for some places as well. We didn't get any more viewings, but we did see some places from the outside. I want to live in Andersonville or Edgewater. ^^ It was nice to spend the day with Kate, since the next time she's in for any length of time is after her graduation on the eighth. She dropped me off at home, and Sally and I ate McDonald's and played Mario Party all night, which was pretty fun in itself. I like gaming with her, as she's weird. ^^

Sunday: I woke up at 6:30, 'cause too much was on my mind, so I read and took a bath and watched TV and Kare Kano until about 1 or so...muchly lazy. Mom called and told me that Nana fell on Friday and sprained her ankle, and Sally and I were conscripted into getting a walker from aunt Judi's and bringing it to Nana's. When we got there, aunt Maureen conscripted us into fixing the wheelchair Nana had borrowed from a friend, and that Judi and her husband Ed had summarily broken beyond our belief. We had to take most of it apart to get it fixed, and even then, there was still a bent part. We didn't care at that point, however...we spent the better part of an hour playing with that bloody thing. >< By that time, there wasn't anyone who could drive me home, so I called Lowell, and he came down and transported me through a yucky storm to Dad's, where we ate turkey and potatoes and just hung out until around 9 PM when he went home. I conked out at 10:30, and thus ended my Spring Break.

I apologize for the boringness of this entry. Basically, I had a really good time over Spring Break, got to do everything I planned and more, and was really happy for the majority of it. It wasn't long enough (naturally), but it was still exactly what I needed. Thanks to everyone who helped make it that way.

...too much to do today, though. ><

Quote for the Day: "I want to make love to you." --Arima, from Kare Kano

take you in :: spit you out