
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


1:22 p.m.
Friend-filled Friday

I'm at work. There are three people in here taking tests, and that's it. I should be doing something productive, like studying for poetry or organizing things for the website Jamie's going to be setting up for Anime Club or revamping some of my extra stuff here, like my cast page or something. But no, I'm surfing and modding the forums, and doing other things that are equally unproductive. How unusual.

Last night was really great. We didn't go see Hidalgo, but we did hang out at Lex's, and did get to spend time with each other, which was splendiferous. Sar, Kate, Lex, Jamie, and I all sat and watched A Mighty Wind after eating Chinese food and after a failed trip to get snack pies (they only had chocolate at 7-11, apparently...I was at Lex's making a phone call I had promised to make, so I wasn't there). The movie was great, and the being with the friends was even more so. I was exhausted, and barely able to stay awake most of the time, but that did not detract from my experience.

Before that, Sarah, Sue, Nicole and I hit up the Red Lion Pub, and had a fun time as well. I had potato skins and scones that Sar and I split, and I also had a hot chocolate and vanilla rum thing without getting carded, which was great, since my ID is not around until next week. Maybe I'm finally starting to look my age...meh. Either way, it was the thing I needed to start winding down from this hellishly busy week, and the time spend at Lex's was the best way to finish it off.

I slept for about ten hours last night, but I still haven't recovered from my two days of no sleep. I will probably study for about an hour tonight, then give up, soak in the tub at Mom's, then go to bed before midnight. I so wish I didn't have to sing Mass tomorrow, especially since it's at the same time as the South Side Irish parade starts, so there probably won't be anyone there, anyway. I should probably make sure there's still a noon mass at all.

I got my work schedule for Finals Week, and it's not too shabby. I don't have to work on two of the three days that I have finals on, including my Veg Out Day (Tuesday), sans the night hours, of course. I'll be making about 15-20 USD less than I had expected, but it'll still be enough to get most, if not all of my books...I hope. ACen pre-reg for me will be last second once again, I guess. Books are kinda more important.

Gah, I feel ill. I can't wait to get home.

Quote for the Day: "Philosophy is a study that lets us be unhappy more intelligently" --Anonymous

take you in :: spit you out