
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


7:35 a.m.
Working and Preparing

...I had a day off yesterday.

It still shocks me. I had an actual, honest-to-goodness day off. I mean, not that I've been as horribly busy this quarter as I have been in the past, but I had nothing to do yesterday. No real obligations, no homework looming over my head, no work, no class, nothing. It was a weird and wonderful feeling.

But after Mankato, that'll change. I'm back at Subway for December, and I'll have probably 3-4 days of work a week again. I just hope to make a hundred or two bucks to get me through Christmas, and I'll be satisfied. No need to worry about tuition and the apartment yet. If I can get through Christmas, it'll all be good. ^^ I might end up workin there through January, if my car situation stays somewhat the same. It'll give me some extra money, and them some extra help, as they're losing 2-3 workers in January. We'll see, though. Rita sounded less than pleased when I reminded her that I couldn't work from Dec. 4-7, 'cause of Mankato. She's got me scheduled to work Wednesday from 5 to close, which will not work, 'cause close is when my bus leaves from downtown, and Subway is about 30 mins from downtown. I guess I'll be doing some switching when I go down to Subway to say hi this weekend. ><

I know I'm way late, but I started my own character in Lowell's Animal Crossing town. I'm having a lot of fun so far. That's probably all I'll be doing tonight and Friday and Saturday. I feel bad for Sally, though. She'll have to suffer through watching me, 'cause she can't make her own character. XD

And I'm so going to see Love, Actually this weekend, alone or no. I think it's time to make some phone calls to plan out a dinner and/or coffee and movie night. Get off your ass and do something socially constructive tonight, Abs.

And I am SO buying FFX-2 this month. Thank God for Best Buy gift cards, which are at the top of my gift card list this winter. :D

And before I forget again...winter break starts today, so I won't be updating every day, like I've been doing. So don't think I'm dead...I'm just on hiatus, I guess. ^^;

Quote for the Day: "Circles and eyeballs, circles are pretty...a tasty wonderful, just like black grapies." --Edward's song, "Knocking on Heaven's Door"

take you in :: spit you out