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rings a-m
rings n-z


9:44 a.m.
Finals and Yesterday

This is going to be a fun entry to type. I'm very tired, and the space bar on this keyboard is a bastard. ><

Finals week starts tomorrow. I'm already feeling stressed from it. I can tell, 'cause I cried about three or four times yesterday, like hardcore. I sort of cried a little bit twice, then totally out and out cried before anime club (thanks again, Rob and Nicole, for showing that you cared), and sobbed in my car before Lowell left, and wouldn't let him go. some of it is because of stress, some is because of emotions, some of it is just stupid. I don't know. But it was sort of cleansing in the end. I just hope that no one is exceptionally worried. Blame it on anxiousness and stress, I guess.

Last night was a really good night overall, though. People seem really pleased with how anime club is going, and are totally willing to help make it last, which is really great. There were some great suggestions made, and hopefully, winter quarter will be even better than fall quarter was. :D We got so much stuff taken care of, and I was reminded how much I love those people.

The long drives home were really fun, too. With Sue and Sarah, we reminisced about McAuley stuff, talked about people, and so on. It made me smile more than I had all day long. After Sue left, Sarah and I caught up on life, which was so marvelous. Now, I just have to fully catch up with Kate and stalk Alex and tie her to a chair so we can have some time together, and all will be complete. :D

Today, I have two tutoring sessions (Star and Angela, respectively), Anne's classu, and workings on Anne's paper. I also have to finally clean off my desk, 'cause I'm going to need it come this week, for studying and what-not. As for now, I am off to do whatever else I want to do before Star's session.

To my DePaul friends: Good luck this week!

Quote for the Day: "My play was a complete success. The audience was a failure." --Ashleigh Brilliant

take you in :: spit you out