
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


10:20 a.m.

"Let that city take you in...that that city spit you out..."

I've been singing that ALL DAY LONG. I'm surprised no one has hit me yet. I've been holding it back, since I'm in the lab at present, waiting for Debrah to show up for tutoring, but damn, if I could sing it, I would. It's a sure thing that I'll be doing that on the train ride home, on the walk to McGaw, on the walk to and from Jade East...

I'm very much looking forward to this board meeting at Jade East, but I'm also very much nervous about it. I know there's tensions in the board (i.e. I hate Bill sometimes), but I don't want those tensions to come to light, or to mess stuff up. I mean, everything seems to be going so well so far, that I don't want it to get messed up by dissention in the board. I'm probably just going overboard about it, but it's still kind of a little ping in the back of my mind.

If I was hyper, I'd repeat "ping ping ping" about seventeen times, but I'm just so not.

Last night driving was very cool and very frightening and very weird. I drove Ryan (one of the anime club dudes), Lowell, and Sarah home, in that order, and when we left DePaul, it was pretty foggy. Once we hit I94, though, it was almost London thick. The fact that there were four people in my car and my defroster doesn't work didn't help the vision problems. After dropping Ryan off (his grandparents live right down the street from Lowell, it's crazy), we took Lowell to Dempster, then took Sarah to Markham, which was SO FOGGY. Definitely pea soup thick London on a bad day fog. We could barely see where Sarah's driveway was from the road, and her driveway is right off the bloody road. >< Coming home alone, I rolled down the window (it was that warm), and just drove at speed limit, being half worried and half exhilarated. Feelings like that are weird. o.O

Today, it's going to be summer weather. It feels like scary spring you know there's going to be a mother of a storm or something. It doesn't make me feel any more blah than I truly feel right now. I just wish I had my two hours of break, so I could go to the library, read for Anne's class, then go to the classes I have to and be ready for Jade East later on.

Mmm...pot stickers...

Quote for the Day: "Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother." --Kahlil Gibran

take you in :: spit you out