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100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


9:19 a.m.
I Just Tell 'em as I Think 'em

Back on the 23 hour kick. Whoo-hoo. :D

I love having so many people on my buddy list, but damn, if it isn't hard to keep up with them. Then, I feel silly when I call one girl one thing and really they're called something else...*sighs* I have issues.

I'm wearing gym shoes today (DDR!), and I'm not liking it. First of all, they're with khakis, something which I know Alex isn't too fond of. Second of all, I just feel like a mondo dink. There's no reason to, really--I just do. Once again, I have issues.

My mother and I got into several fights this morning on the car ride in. I was finally getting annoyed with leaving the house at 6:20 instead of six and with her forgetting everything I tell her, and she just made me feel like shit for actually speaking my mind. This is why I don't do it so much. We were talking about random stuff by about 76th street (a third of the way to work/school), but I'm still a trifle peeved. And my nose is still burning from the three cigarettes she smoked on the way in. I'm sure I smell like it, too. *sighs*

Lowell is wearing his big, puffy coat today, a sure sign that it's colder than it seems outside. Indeed, it's right around freezing right now, and I wish we had gotten snow like Gabriel had. Oh, well. We'll get some soon, I'm sure.

Today looks to be amusing, and I hope it's as amusing as last night was. I went to Alex's, and found Sarah there as well. We watched and helped a little as Alex tried to start cleaning out her room. She did actually get a few things done, despite what she thinks, and it's a good start. We found all the Polly Pockets she and Sarah used to play with, and had fun with those for a bit, and then we raided her Littlest Pet Shop collection. I got a monkey out of the deal, and put him in my pocket, only to realize I had a monkey in my pocket, and he was stealing all my change. *cracks up* Good times, though. I need more of those. And I need to not be an ass so often. Remind me of that.

Time to go unzip some sprites.

..God, that doesn't sound right.

Quote for the Day: "O_O...pig fetish?" --Lowell, of petey-san (approximate quote)

take you in :: spit you out