
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


7:37 a.m.
Yesterday and Today

I realized after I got home yesterday I hadn't updated for my second day of classes. It's not a big deal, really. Yesterday was pretty slow, for the most part. You didn't miss much.

First day of Sigel for History again, and she's just as awesome as evar. Sure, I'm going to kill myself with her class alone, but it'll be worth it. The book we're reading now (which is due on Tuesday, with a paper, besides), is really awesome, so yay for Sigel. And I never will pronounce her name right. I know this now.

Then, I went over to the lab, only to find that Jim, one of the other lab assistants, was slotted for the same time as me. Which is weird, since there's only one class for those time slots. *shrugs* We'll work it out on Tuesday, I guess. But there were no classes yesterday--well, at least, no one in the labs, so it was a slow day.

Then, I forgot that I was supposed to meet with Gabriel around 10:30 my time, and I remembered around 12:00 PM. We had a very long discussion after that, and it was kind of not good, but in the end, it all worked out. I'm glad he's happy again. We're chatting right now via MSN, because he's still in class. Thank you for risking your life as it were for me, mi amor.

Today is going to be crazy. I have Art History, then work, then Philosophy, then English, then I have to get my train pass, then I have to hurry home, change into my work clothes within about five minutes or so, then rush to pick my mom up from the train because she's a lazy bitch and won't find any other mode of transportation, then break laws to get to Subway on time, which I won't, because I have to pick my mother up. Then I work for six and a half hours, and I don't even know with who. I just hope it'll be a group that won't drive me crazy. They probably won't.

The first teen choir was last night, which was fun. We've got some keen songs to do, and I get a descant (naturally). It looks like we've got a good group this year, so I'm really looking forward to everything. I've realized how little I've worked singing wise this past year, though, so I plan to get back into gear ASAP.

Too much to do!

Quote for the Day: "The world is spinning too fast..." --"19-2000", Gorillaz

take you in :: spit you out