
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


8:18 a.m.
A Lot Can Happen in Two Hours

My day is going swimmingly now, thanks to Gabriel, but I must admit, I was pretty peeved for a good majority of the morning (I've been awake for nearly two hours now, and I've been peeved for one and a half hours or so, so...yeah.).

First of all, I woke up late, something that always upsets me. I had planned to go up to school to talk with Gabriel, pay my tuition, turn in my signature page for my FAFSA so I get money towards tuition, and play on the internet. I wanted to be on the road by six thirty. This is not only to add more Gabriel time, but mainly to beat traffic, because I hate traffic. Driving stick in traffic is so not cool. My alarm went off, but I was in the middle of the oddest dream involving gangster-type guys, a car with an open hood, Sarah in a library, Gabriel, and Boris (don't ask--I barely remember), and I didn't want to leave it just yet. Because of this, I didn't get out of bed until six thirty. I got out of the house at six fifty, and by the time I got on the expressway at seven ten or so, it was already pretty slow moving. *growls*

So I scan radio stations. I hear "A Thousand Miles" by Vanessa Carlton, which perks me up because it makes me think of Gabriel, and then I hear something that sounds like news clips. Then, the opening little cadenza thing of "Hero" by Chad Kroeger and Josey Scott comes on, and my jaw drops. Radio stations have done this before. After Columbine, they threw news clips and stuff from that into some song that I can't remember what it is, and they've done it for good things, too, like the beginning of the "new millenium", and usually, it's been done quite well, and has been a joy to listen to. This, however, made me sick. It might be that I'm sick of the outward patriotism coming from people who, until this past September, probably thought our country sucked worse than anything. It might be that 103.5 has now ruined one of my favourite songs. But I know what one of the reasons is--the mix is just bad. It seems like whatever fucktard mixed this up, as it were, just threw in random patriotic words, phrases, and speeches wherever he wanted in the song. At the end, when it's the echo of "And they're watching us", it's even worse. There's no sense of rhythm, no sense of's enough to kill a musician.

And it's enough reason to kill whoever the fuck did that.

But I'm calm now. Really. I'm doing swell. Sure, there's still some annoyances in my head, but when isn't there? All in all, though, I think it's going to be a pretty darned good say. I might even get an iced coffee of some sort. Like I said, looks to be a good day.

At least, until I go to work at five. *sighs*

Quote for the Day: "All I wanted to do was read about Hitler." --Mr. Lucio

take you in :: spit you out