
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


7:31 a.m.
Working Towards a Road Trip While Purchasing CDs and Painting Nails for Saturday

I start work tomorrow at two. I do some training, get my tax forms, uniform, and other nonsense, then go home. Woot, I guess, without being too leet. I mean, no one really looks forward to their first day of work, so I guess that's all there is to it. I'm sure I'll let one know how it went come next week or something. *shrugs*

Alex got me really excited about the idea of a road trip come next summer. It would cost mondo money if for no other reason than gas and car expenses (we know a good amount of people around the states that we could probably stay a night with, and I just remembered that there are youth hostels in this country, no da), but would be most keen. The best part would be that we'd meet some of the marvelous people we've met over the internet. If we hit the NY area, maybe we'd heckle Jessica and my friend David from Anet, and there's always Ivy-chan in Florida, Cory from Anet in Texas, and the seven thousand people from Anet in California (including Bane, Soul, son Dougie, and Alicia). We'd just be visiting those fine people, since I doubt their parents would be very cool with the idea of about seven people (if they all go) spending a night in their house. But whatever. And it'd be really nice to do it next summer when Gabriel's here, because he'd not only get to see Chicago, but a good bit of the country as well. Lucky man, he is. I can only hope it works out. I'd love to do something like that with my friends.

I'm trying to decide whether or not to go to Barnes and Noble, since I am on the north side today, to get the Hoobastank and Perfect Circle CDs. I have a gift card, so I wouldn't be spending too much money, but I don't know. I have to be back on the south side at a decent hour, because my mother thinks I'm just at the library (or, rather, she thinks I'm asleep right now, and will be at the library come nine or nine-thirty, meaning I'd be home by eleven), and I don't feel like dealing with "Well, you know you have work to do today around the house." or "You can't be taking Heidi's car all over the city like that." or "You can't be doing this all the time." I don't feel like arguing today.

I painted my fingernails last night, something I rarely if ever do. When one is the principle dish washer in the house, one doesn't usually waste their energy painting their fingernails. Naturally, they're red, and since I actually have fingernails right about now, they look pretty decent. But since I will be washing dishes, mopping floors, and doing laundry upon my arrival home, I'm sure that decent look will change.

I can't wait for Saturday. *grins evilly*

Quote for the Day: "Ah! I inhaled fringe!" --Kate

take you in :: spit you out