
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


11:33 p.m.
Spinny-Eyed Avi Squared

**Something fucked up here royal. This is the entry I tried to do earlier, but the updates wouldn't load. So there it is in its entirety. Thank you for your patience. I'm going to go defenestrate myself now.

So it's an ongoing entry today, is it, brain?

Yes, it surely is.

11:15 AM: So I turned in my Lit paper. *yawns* I feel good that it's there, but it caused me much pain and consternation. Remind me to email Brian about how much I loathe poetry. After Gabriel leaves to go to his prom/dinner/whatever for his graduation, I have to go study for Chem. I think I'll study over lunch. Sounds good to me.

I didn't officially fall asleep until almost four in the morning. Would you like to know why? Of course you would. It's called discourteous roommates. I don't know how it was on Sarah's end, but on my end, it was annoying. My light sleeper-ness was kicking in full force last night, and since Caitlin had a light on (not the big one, thank God, or else I would have gone and slept in one of the study rooms), and was clacking away at God knows what on the computer, since she was already finished with all of her finals. Eileen kept coming in and out, and they both didn't even bother talking softly, and instead used pretty much their outdoor voices as it were to talk to each other despite the fact that they were only a few feet away from each other. I could just scream. I didn't even want to get out of bed this morning because I hadn't gotten to sleep until such an ungodly hour. Then, I remembered about the Lit final, and hoisted myself up to turn it in.

That's it for now. Actually, now that I look at it, this would make a full entry. But my brain insists that we do an ongoing one. So check back later, I guess, if you care.

Brain: That's right, bitch. You know you love teh ongoing entries. *laughs evilly*

1:57 PM: So I studied for chem. Not much, but some. I forgot my calculator in my room, so I couldn't work on the mole/conversion problems. I'm going to do some diagrams later, and run over some definitions and rules. I just can't do it right now. I'm way too stressed. Get some more studying in before dinner with the lab people, study more when we get back...probably go to bed around one or two AM. Argh. Back later. Craziness in the chat.

11:12 PM: Oy, the rest of the day was...well, okay, until a little bit ago. I spend much time with Gabriel and Boris, since we only have about two more days to do stuff online, and then I went to go and go to a dinner for the lab people. David and John treated us to a Mexican dinner, and I got to sit and talk with them, and Marixa and Jim, two of the other lab assistants. David and John also got us each gift cards for Barnes and Noble--25 bucks! I can buy my hardcover Pendergast book now if I want to! *dances* It was actually more fun than I thought it would be. Our drinks came in these flagons--I mean seriously, they were so heavy, and they looked more like something you'd put mead in. :D

Then, it was time to get down to business. Two finals to study for for tomorrow--Psych and Chem. I sat down in one of the study rooms and put on my Gorillaz CD and studied for nearly three hours, closer to two and a half. During the last half hour, however, people were blasting music, yelling, and other such nonsense, and I nearly went insane. 24 hour quiet during finals week, anyone? There are people who still have finals. *sigh* Things are calmer now, but I've decided to quit for the night, and just screw around, hoping mi vida will sign on.

Oh, and if you get a chance, check out Alex's guestmap (Confessions of a Fork Stealer). We're playing a nice game of Risk there, and it's most amusing. :D But that's it from me for today.

Quote for the Day: "All your followers are blind, too much heaven on their minds..." --Heaven on their Minds from Jesus Christ Superstar

take you in :: spit you out