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100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


8:57 p.m.
The Weekend

Okey-day. So I can't remember everything that happened this weekend, but I believe it's time for a good, old-fashioned weekend update. So here we are:

Friday: As soon as I got back to Beverly, my sister came with me to go shoe shopping. I bought two pairs of sandals--buy one, get the second half off--since I needed some. One is your standard brown pair that covers a good majority of the foot, because I wear pants in the summer and can't really wear, like, flip-flops or something. The other was a pair of dress sandals--the ones that look like they're made out of cork. Fun stuff. I wore them to Church today (Sunday). Anyway, then Sally and I watched some TV before I went to the all-season cast party at Ridge. I hung out mostly with Dan, Melanie, and Sean, because the softball game had already started by the time I got there (curses...), but it was still fun. We swung on the swings, and Melanie listened to my ravings about Jim and about how I won't get to Sweden before Christmas. Kevin and I actually talked for a little before I left, and he said he'd call this week. I hope he does. I kind of miss just talking with him.

After that, I should have gone home and gotten some sleep, because I was mondo tired. But it was really nice, and I felt the need to go for a drive, so at eleven o'clock at night, I hopped onto I-94 East and decided to drive to Indiana. There wasn't any place in particular I wanted to go. I was just going to get off at some exit and get back onto 94 going west and go home. I drove for about half an hour or so each way, and had some mondo fun music the entire way. It was really relaxing, and a really good feeling. I have to go driving during the day one of these days. I think I'll drive north next time. I haven't driven north in a while.

Saturday: I woke up around eleven or so, and drove my mom to Kim's to pick up her motorcycle. After chatting with Kim and Hope (her baby--who is now about five, I think), we took the bike home, and got down to the business of the weekend: cleaning. We're having the house appraised ASAP, and my mom wanted to get it all together. She's been wanting to tear up the sticky linoleum stuff in the TV room forever, and now that we're turning it into my bedroom (huzzah), we have a reason to. Well, I worked on that fucking floor for nigh on eight hours total, and only got about half of it done. That's how hard it is to get that crap up off the floor. What's worse is that I sprained my hand doing it, so it's currently wrapped up in gauze, and it hurts to type. Needless to say, I'm typing slowly. But that was really all my Saturday was. I watced Edward Scissorhands before going to bed, which was stupid, because it caused disturbing dreams.

Sunday: Nine mass today...with Carso. *gasp* He and Alan are sharing music duties for a while. Alan's going to do adult choir, Carso's going to do teen and kids choir, and they're going to vary masses. One weekend, Al will do three, and Carso will do two, and the next weekend, it'll be opposite. Al's doing all the noons, I think, and Carso's doing all the 7:30s, and the others will vary. Good to know I only do nines and noons, mostly. But the mass went generally okay. My Ds weren't doing so well, and it reminded me that I have to get back into the vocal training groove. Blast Carso.

Gabriel called me around eleven this morning, and we talked until about two in the afternoon, when Sally forced me to get off the phone to go get us lunch. The conversation was very nice, for lack of a better term. No, wait, I thought of a better one--hysterical. His mom was measuring him for his suit for graduation at one point, and to listen to him and his mom argue in Swedish, and to hear his sister commenting in English on where his mom was measuring was enough to keep me laughing for a while. His mom stole the phone at one point, and got to hear my voice before Gabriel stole it back. *snickers* The measuring of his inseam brought us to areas of conversation not to be mentioned, and we talked about the craziness at the boards that I missed, and a bunch of other things. He called back at about three-fifteen, and we had about another hour of conversation about random crap before he had to go. I hope he got the work done that he needed to do, or much whomping will ensue.

I wrapped my hand and came back to school a little bit ago, and that's where we stand right now. I'll be on the computer for the next two or four hours or so. This hand is really going to hurt.

Quote for the Day: "Swinging [on my stomach] was a lot more fun when I was three feet shorter and not full of pop." --Sean, Melanie's boyfriend.

take you in :: spit you out