
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


6:48 p.m.
Kinda Sorta Weekend Update

Saturday was filled with interesting developments. I spend most of my morning and early afternoon (from four AM until six AM, and then from nine AM until two PM) chatting away with my Gabriel, and with Boris when he showed up. It was really, really nice, exactly what I needed right then. Sure, I got minimal sleep, but it didn't matter. It let that happiness I had from Friday night carry over.

Then, I went out to Alex's, only to discover that we weren't going out with Sarah's cousin, but with Julie. No big deal, though. It probably turned out more fun that way. But I left my freaking leftovers on the South Side, which bites, because I wanted to eat them for dinner tonight. We got mondo nostalgic about cartoons and things, like Care Bears and Jem and things of that nature. I think I will use the blockbuster gift card I got to rent the second Care Bears movie this weekend. It's silly, but I don't much care.

I left there early to go home to my sister, but I was there only for a short time before Jordan called. We just sat around his place and watched "O Brother Where Art Thou?", which was really nice. The movie is fabulous, and I recommend it wholeheartedly. We just talked about things and watched the movie, and I went home that night, so I'm very proud of myself. I finally fell asleep around three thirty AM.

Instead of waking up for nine AM mass on Sunday, however, I slept until 11:30 AM. I could have gone to noon mass, but I was all like "meh". God won't hold it against me. So I sat around and watched random TV with Sally, took a bath, and cleaned some house before coming back to campus. Tonight, I hope to clean in this room, re-organize my pictures on my corkboard, get my readings done, and have some coffee. Oh, and find some tylenol. My teeth hurt like a mother.

And now, for the cleaning.

Oh, and three quizzes:

Ravenclaws value intellect -- you like things which challenge your mind, whether it be math, art, history, or all of the above and more! You might be somewhat withdrawn, or your intellect might make you a bit mysterious to others.
Get Sorted!

I'm a Wind Spiriti

Sea Green

This quiz says absolutely nothing about your personality. Take it!

Quote for the Day: "It wouldn't be 'us' without one of us injured and claiming to be 'fine'." --Sarah

take you in :: spit you out