
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


9:50 a.m.
Not My Fault!

As is clearly shown above, it's 9:50 AM. To many, this is late. Many are at school or work right now, toiling away at whatever they're doing, and are going to curse me out when they read that I got to sleep as late as I did. But for me, as of late, this is early. I have been getting up around 11 each day, and 9:30 is just a little early for me to be getting frantic calls from my mother--on both phones, on two seperate lines from work. I finally gave up on ignoring the phones, and answered, thinking something important had come up, for sometimes that does happen. Instead, I got this:

"Leave the 30th open, because we're going to take Nana out for her birthday then."

"I left a letter that needs to be mailed on the bedside table. Mail it."

And, the coup de grace:

"Why did you put that you couldn't work on Sundays on your applications?"

Translation: "Don't do stupid shit like that. You're just being lazy. No wonder no one's hiring you."

What does this woman not understand? Maybe I came a little too late for things, and they really had all the help they could get for the holidays? Maybe no one really wants temporary workers this Christmas--they want people who can continue to work for them after the holidays. Jim told me that no one is hiring temporary workers because of the whole economy thing--and coming from someone who has done more Econ than I can even begin to fathom myself even going near, that's believable. It's not my fault that things are bad in the world right now. And I am NOT going to be made to feel bad about my religion and my devotion to it by someone in my own family. That is absolute nonsense.

Needless to say, today is not starting off well.

I have to clean the house again today--"REALLY" clean it, as my mother put it. Like I just hide things in closets and corners like my sister does or do nothing like my brother does. She has not had to complain all week about the state of the house because I have made sure that it has reached her expectations. I guess that since I'm not doing things exactly when she wants me to do them, they're not going to get done. Am I right? NO, I'm not. DAMN IT! It's going to be a rough day.

On a lighter note, I had an interesting dream this morning about living in a society that puts up huge tents, and in that same society, there are cars, and I drove in one with Alex and Erin. I also remet this guy from past dreams who tried to make out with me, but since one of his friends (also from a past dream) was there, I wouldn't let him. He got all huffy and went to do his homework. I don't understand that guy--or his sometimes insertion to my dreams. His name is Josh. Why? I hate that name!

I finished the Tamuli last night! It was wonderful--some major Bevier action near the end. I'd talk more about it, but if Sarah reads this, she'll kill me, because she hasn't read it yet. Not like anyone cares, but I like to keep myself happy.

Oh, well, off to toil, I suppose.

Quote for the Day: "I never meant to cause you trouble/I never meant to do you harm/Oh, and if I ever caused you trouble/No, no I never meant to do you wrong." --Coldplay, "Trouble"

take you in :: spit you out