
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


10:07 a.m.
Avi Clark: Obsession

I know I shouldn't be using school computers to do this, but where the hell else am I going to? I don't have a computer in Evanston yet, and I'm not going back to Beverly until Friday night around 11PM or 12 AM (or even earlier, depending on whether or not they all go to the bar or the 'Gon that night--I'm hoping for the latter). Besides, I feel like such a weiner--like, someone's going to see this and go, "Oh, my God, is she, like, four?" I shouldn't care, but for some odd reason I do. Meh.

Last night was one of the best nights of the year thus far. I had no homework, no rehearsals to go to, nothing to read (I'm paying for that tonight, however), and I got deep dish pizza. AND...::timpani roll here, please, Mr. Salvaggio:: THERE WAS A LORD OF THE RINGS TRAILER ON LAST NIGHT!!!! That's right, I got to see a preview of the movie I just can't WAIT to see on TV as I ate some great pizza! I had to sit through most of an episode of "Angel", but believe you me, it was worth it (and there's ANOTHER British accent guy on that show that I enjoy. What is it with Joss Whedon and the British accent guys I enjoy? I don't know). There were several WONDERFUL shots of Aragorn, and his voice is gorgeous, and Legolas' voice is just as great, and everything looks keen, and the caves at Moria are so frightening, and the Balrog is HUGE, and the Mountain pass at Cahadras (sp) and...and...::squeals in delight and dances, just like she did last night as she play-by-played it for Sarah who was on her way home from math class:: My only complaint was the insertion of Arwen (die) as a "warrior princess" type, but we all saw that coming, despite the fact that we tried to ignore it, hoping against hope that it would go away. Liv Tyler will make a good Arwen, especially since I hate Liv Tyler as much as I hate Arwen Evenstar (I give up--let's just kill them both). Oh, I don't know how much more I can rave about--I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS MOVIE!!! ::sings:: Aragorn, Aragorn...hee hee.

Feel free to send me an email with a punch, kick, or smack if you like for my giddiness...I'm sure it's annoying as all hell.

My teeth hurt again...after about five days of not hurting. Blast. I have to get some advil from the little machine in the Stuart Academic Center (the hubbub of activity here at DePaul) when I get my breakfast/lunch/snack before going to my music class. God, I love that little machine...

Quote for the Day: "Hello. Como estas. ::shoots machine gun in continuous blasts::" Gimli, "Middle Earth Online Part 6" by Blanton Cirith

take you in :: spit you out