
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


2:50 p.m.
It's My Life

Alex would be proud of me...I've been Bon Jovi-ing all day. Granted, it's only because I have "It's My Life" stuck in my head, but still. But there's good reason for that.

I finally answered the phone around 10:30 this morning, only to have my mother making demand after demand on me. And if it wasn't a demand, it was nagging. "Did you call DePaul yet about rescheduling orientation?" "Did the mail come yet?" "Is your sister home?" "Did the car guys call? Well, you have to call them?" And my favourite: "We have to talk about this Sound of Music thing when I get home." What is there to talk about? So she thinks it's not a good idea for me to be doing this. I'll give her that--in the long run, I agree with her. It would be a lot better of Sound of Music was the winter show. But it's not. I realize that I'm going to be starting school, and adding a whole shitload of responsibility to my already full plate isn't going to help. But this is something I want to do with my life. I'm the one who is going to have to deal with getting out here every day (pretty much), getting back to Evanston, getting all my schoolwork done, rehearsing with the pit, and working. I realize this. I didn't just go into this thing saying, "Dum de dum dum...I'm just going to take on this show because I have nothing else to do..." or something like that. I know what I have to do. It's not going to affect her in any way, so why does she care? And she's not going to convince me to drop the show. I'm going to drop Doll's House so that I can prepare fully for everything else, but I'm not dropping this just because she thinks it isn't a good idea. Why the fuck does it matter anyway? AAAAAAAAAAAARRRGH! ::breathes heavily::

Thank God for this little thing...

I don't know what else to say. If I go on more about my day, I'll just be complaining more, because nothing really good has come out of today. My hair is frizzy, we got no mail, I don't know what's going to happen with my car, and I'm just generally frustrated. See? I just kept right on complaining. Gah. Well, at least people continued responding to my post, and I am known to everyone as "Miss Clark" now. Yay, I'm recognized! Hey, there's something good! Maybe that's a start...

Quote for the day: "Wanna buy some magic beans? They're all the rage!" --bean seller in Zelda--the Ocarina of Time (that quote cracks my shit up)

take you in :: spit you out