
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


12:17 p.m.
The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (or so they say)

It's Sunday.

I love Sundays. Because of my wonderful religion, I don't feel bad about being lazy (Keep holy the sabbath day and all). Plus I like church, so going is also somewhat fun. Carso could have picked some better music for this week, but eh. Even he is allowed some leeway.

I'm still recovering from Thursday night/Friday morning. Spending three hours in a jail will leave an impact on anyone's life. At least mostly everything is taken care of. I'll be able to drive by Thursday (although I don't know if I'll want to even then), and by the end of the month, everything else will be taken care of, too. All I have to do is call DePaul about rescheduling my orientation dates. So I'm somewhat happier than I was then.

I don't know much else...I'm mostly feeling lazy, tired, and blah. Not much can affect me right now. You could insult me until the cows came home, and throw red hot pokers at my eyes, and I probably wouldn't give two shits. I mean, my eyes would be in pain, but that's the price one pays for feeling blah. I don't know why exactly. It might be from that night, but it might be a zillion more things. I never really can tell with these things. I just hope that it goes away soon. I need to get away. I mean away away, like another city or state, for a couple of days, with the people I love and won't feel awkward with. I know what I want. I want my own personal Kairos with all my friends. No time, no commitments, no holding back, no holds barred (or whatever that phrase is). Just me and them and everybody having a good time, and sharing everything, and learning to trust. That would be ideal. Everyone needs a Kairos once in a while.

I guess that's it for now. I have a story to continue on, and a house to clean, and laundry to do, and shouldn't be running up my phone bill like this and keeping Jim from doing his thang, whatever that may be. Doubt the First, Cry the Second, Experience the Third, Cherish the Fourth, and always Trust.

Quote for the Day: "All you need is love." --John Lennon

take you in :: spit you out