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rings a-m
rings n-z


1:08 p.m.
ACen '04 -- Day 3

Religion today was mortifying. I hadn't read the book that was due for today. I had read it about a year ago, and thought I might remember something. I didn't. Angelika kept calling on me, then would wait about three seconds, then before I'd get a chance to think about anything, would go on to the next person. I knew I should have skipped. I don't need this shit.

ENG 300 was okay, but long. The days in that class just keep getting longer and longer...I think it's just because of week 8. If it weren't for Julie Bokser and Todd Parker, however, this quarter would not be the least bit enjoyable. Sucks that I am skipping Todd's class today. ><

Art institute went fine. I found that the piece I want to write a paper on is actually one I always stopped to enjoy whenever I used to go to the art institute. Funny how things work out.

Well, here's the ACen update:


Tiffy went home in the morning, which was kind of unreal. I felt bad that her family had to drive all the way back here so early, but I guess the emergency did demand it. I just hope everything's okay. That sort of thing is just horrible.

I rode with Alex back to the con after seeing Tiffy and her family off, and we talked about various things. It was pretty nice, and I hoped it helped a little. I hit up the MT panel with Kyuu and Carl, and videotaped it with CD's camera. The panel was hysterical, as expected. Fred, Sarah, and Ukyo ran the panel, and Dom and Ken (Asmodeus) were absent this year. They were replaced by cardboard boxes with their names written on them, and both Fred and Sarah abused Dom's box to no end. The people at the panel were a little annoying, but many hardcore anime fans are, as I've discovered from both of my ACen experiences. It was still a good time, though, and I laughed a lot.

After delivering CD's camera, I went to wait in line at the MT booth for Fred and Sarah's autographs and a drawing of Dom for Lowell. Carl and Kyuu checked on me every now and again, but for most of two hours, I waited just with my music and thoughts and aching back. It was all worth it when I got to chat with Sarah about wedding dresses and with Fred about Chicago Dom. ^^

Right after the signing was Jon's concert, which was one of the highlights of my weekend. Jon is the drummer all drummers want to be like -- he eats, sleeps, and breathes drumming. He had his complex electrical and crazy set there, and strove to entertain us with variations on anime, video game, and TV themes. He played around with Tank!, Mortal Kombat, Zelda, Mega Man, Futurama, and Escaflowne, all of which were pretty fun. He had a few technical difficulties, but it didn't take away from the experience.

Some other stuff went down then, but it more or less got taken care of by the time I got back to Alex's house to get my car. I decided to go home by then, because I had no desire to return to the drama of the con, as things were way too stressful. On my drive back to Hans', after stopping by dad's to get some alcohol and food (the latter of which I forgot AGAIN), I got diverted into downtown because of traffic. I know I checked the lanes when I went to change them, but a huge van came barrelling out of nowhere at about sixty miles per hour or so, and the force of their speed literally shoved my car back into its lane, and scared me into tears, shakiness, and wishes for death. This is the second year in a row that I've had near misses with cars at ACen. Next year, I'm not driving.

Kyuu and Carl were there when I got to Hans', and we ate cheesecake, drank wine, and talked about women, alcohol and the con until Lowell called. Kyuu went back to the con soon after that, and Carl and I talked a bit more. We finally went to bed after midnight or so, and I very easily conked out.

Little did I know that while I slept, drooled, and hugged the Pichu plushie that Lowell got me on Friday, Kyuu got drunk and sick, Aya and the guys filled their bathtub with ice to leave for housekeeping the next day, Ed went to viewing rooms and looked for me until 2:30 AM when Kyuu told him we went home, and Jer and Andrew played music in the lobby throughout the night, along with various other musicians...glad to see they all did what they needed to do, and had fun doing it.

Fucking communication.

Quote for the Day: "Every exit is an entry somewhere else." --Tom Stoppard

take you in :: spit you out