
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


7:34 a.m.
Interesting Experiences

Although this is a nice template, and I thank Amy for her compliment in my taste, I think I'm going to change it when I get to work today. There was one of cars in the snow that Amy Yan had, and if not that one, I'm going to use her Blue Line one with a different font colour. Sure, I rarely ride the Blue Line, but it's a taste of things to come, since that's how I'm getting myself to and from the airport to Sweden.

Yesterday was so weird, it was almost funny. I'm not used to going to Midway in the middle of the day like that, but I trekked my way out there anyway to go to Alex's grandfather's wake. I probably should have been at school working on a paper that's worth 30% of my grade and is for my major, but some things just come first. Sure, now I won't be able to go to the midnight showing of Harry Potter, but that's the price I pay. At least now people will know why I'm not showing up for things.

Anyway, that was an interesting experience. It was definitely more animated than my gramma's wake, which not a lot of people showed up for. We don't have a large family as it is, so we were kind of expecting that. But everything was just so welcoming and warm at this wake. The family is so close, and Alex's grandmother was so nice to me when I came in and she introduced me. It seems to be a close knit group, which is something Alex is going to need today.

My other interesting experience was the cold. Fuck, was it cold yesterday, at least for the girl in the pinstripe suit and open-toed shoes. I waited nearly half an hour for the bus in the stinging wind and cold, which meant I was late for work. Then, at 8:30, when I had stripped down to my tank top that I wore under the dickie and blazer of my suit, the fire alarm went off in SAC, and we had to evacuate. Damn it, was it cold. *grumbles* And the building didn't even burn down.

But whatever. I'm feeling exceptionally bitter right now for reasons I'm not going to explain at the present moment. I'm happy, but one can be bitter and happy at the same time.

Quote for the Day: "It's funny how the world never changes when you sleep. It's still dark, and it's still snowing so beautifully." --Gabriel

take you in :: spit you out