
about me
100 things


rings a-m
rings n-z


7:33 a.m.
Shift Leader Night

Twenty-five minutes until I leave for history. I need coffee. Badly.

So last night was the dreaded shift leader Abby night. I was quite nervous before getting there, but when I actually got there, I didn't feel so bad. Del told me what had to get done, and I felt pretty confident. Megan came in, I wished her luck on her interview with the Disney people tomorrow, then she and Kara started to talk.

That's how I learned Matt got fired. No big deal, really--he took too many days off for a newbie, and he wasn't a good worker to begin with. Problem, though--he was our third worker tonight. Therefore, Antoine and I were left alone.

Two people closing on a Wednesday. That, my friends, is what we call hell. Or at least a branch of it.

It seemed like everyone that came in wanted at least three sandwiches, and didn't want to make our lives easier. I didn't get the line changed until seven-thirty, and usually, that's done by about six. I was still doing bread at 10:00 at night. There were still dishes left from the line change at 10:00. The cooler had to be restocked, because we didn't have enough time to fully restock it earlier, what with all the customers. Katie came in at 10:00 to do cash drop and closing stuff, and was furious to see that we had been alone for the whole night. She said she was going to bitch Bill out tomorrow, but we'll see. She helped us out, but we still didn't get out until 11:45. The store closes at 10:30.

I still had to go home, wash my hair, read thirty pages of history, eat, and get to sleep. Needless to say, it's a "three hours of sleep" kind of day. Added to that is the fact that I'm working Elida's night class tonight, so I won't get to bed until eleven, anyway--I'm going to my dad's, so maybe it'll be earlier--and because I'm doing that, I'll be missing choir, which means I'll have to deal with Carso at church on Sunday. *sighs* Let's see, an extra thirty dollars or so, or choir? Who's the chick that needs monies right now?

This chick needs a hug a little more than anything, though. I'm not feeling down or anything, surprisingly. Exhausted and a little frustrated, sure, but that's to be expected.

Okay, coffee is necessary today. Especially if I'm going to get that paper done, finally. It's only three days late. *sighs*

Quote for the Day: "And I wonder where these dreams go, when the world gets in your way..." --"Acoustic #3", Goo Goo Dolls

take you in :: spit you out